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Guided Morning Meditation Audio Lecture

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16 Aug 2020

Guided Morning Meditation Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on a peaceful morning practice … Gently settle yourself into a comfortable position … Perhaps sit with your legs crossed, chin tucked in slightly … Spine extended long and proud … Not too tight … Softly place your hands on your knees, either open or closed … Or you can place them in your lap, one cupped in the other … Whichever way feels most suitable for you today … And when you are ready … Allow your eyes to fall closed … Thanking yourself for giving yourself this moment of peace and quiet today … Away from the daily distractions … Responsibilities … As this is a time to recharge … To return to the quiet that’s already there, beneath layers and layers of thoughts that come and go … To find stillness in the midst of our busy lives … To slow down and take the necessary steps to be more introspective … To practice awareness that brings us back to the present moment … The moment that is the most important of all

And as you sit here, gently following the rhythm of your breath … Rising, and falling … Begin to shift your attention to the energy of the breath … Just observing the sensations … Is your breath heavy? … Or light … Perhaps it’s more shallow, or deep … There is no need to judge the breath … Simply welcome it just the way it is … And as you maintain this gentle awareness on your breath, take a deep breath in, filling your body with air … Allowing your belly to expand outward … And release, out through your mouth … In again … Belly rising up to the sky … Feel your chest walls opening up … And breathe out … All empty … One  last time, breathe in … Hold the breath for a few moments at the top … And release … Feeling the breath … Feeling the air … Noticing the way your breath returns to it’s natural state of flow … Gently rising, and falling … Guiding you moment by moment … Breath by breath … 

And now that your body and mind are feeling relaxed … Your breath is settled … Picture an early summer morning … You are walking towards an ocean to green the sunrise … With your feet bare, you gently step upon the sand that is a very gentle hue of gold … You see the beach stretch alongside the water … The ocean is very calm … It is breathing … Just like you … It’s surface rising and falling with rhythmic ease … And as you get closer to the shore, you observe the small ripples, where gentle, peaceful waves roll in to meet the land … The sun hasn’t risen yet, but the sky is beginning to light ever so softly … Beautiful smudges of lavender, coral, and baby blue blended together to create a sight so comforting … So warm …You are enjoying this astounding view … And as you continue to feel your body fall deeper and deeper into relaxation, notice how the air feels … Is it cool? … Pleasant? … There’s an ocean breeze coating your skin in a light mist as you approach the water … You watch the leaves of palm trees sway back and forth, gently dancing … Smell the fresh scent of the air … The scent of clean water and sand … It is so refreshing … So rejuvenating … And now, picture in your mind … The sound of the water lapping against the shore … Ever so gently … Hear the rustling of the palm trees sway … It is very early in the morning, and you are the only one here … Feel your presence … Feel the warmth in your heart as you welcome this peaceful moment into the beginning of your day … Breathe deeply here, near the gentle ocean … 

And now notice that the sun is starting to rise … Golden petals stretching outwards into the rich blue … You can see a bright spot of light at the horizon, as if the sun is rising out of the water … And as you sit on the sand, that still feels a little bit cold, but refreshing … You watch the golden light grow … Small streaks of the brilliant light extend into the sky, as the sky grows lighter, and lighter … Welcoming the dawn … You begin to hear chirping birds in the distance … An invitation to a new day … You place your palms on the sand, and allow it fall through your fingers … You scrunch your toes, feeling it’s softness … You smile … You feel so relaxed here … Just you, and the rising sun … And everything feels just right … 

You continue to watch the peaceful waves as they break some distance from the shore … They are gently lapping … Washing back and forth onto the sand … The waves are very calming … Very peaceful … Just like you, in this moment … Watch the waves flow like your breath … In, and out … Continue to observe the rhythm of the waves, flowing with the rhythm of your breath … Enjoying the sunrise … Still low in the sky … 

Now … Begin to walk towards the water … Over the fine, cool sand … As you approach the shore, you can feel the mist from the ocean on your skin … It’s making you smile … You walk closer to the waves, and feel the sand becoming wet and firm … A wave crashes oner the sand towards you, touching your toes before receding … As you step forward, more waves wash over your feet … You are feeling playful … Excited … Free from any stress or worry … Take  a deep breath here, and release any feelings of tension, allowing them to wash away with the ocean into the everlasting space … Allow all your stresses to melt away … 

And finally, as the water continues to engulf your feet, the sun has fully risen … Filling the sky with brilliant shades of yellow, orange, violet, and blue … Allow the ribbons of light to surround your body … Relaxing it completely … The sun rays are infusing you with the energy you need to begin your day … Breathe gently into your heart centre … Radiating hope … A brand new beginning … Celebrating the start of a brand new day … 

As this meditation comes to an end, take another deep breath in … And release … Feeling the rise and fall of the chest … Wiggle your fingers and your toes if you wish … Stretch your arms and legs in any way that feels comfortable for you … Returning to the sounds around you … Noticing them with gentle awareness … Welcoming sensations … Feelings … Thoughts … And when you are ready, open your eyes … We hope you enjoyed this meditation practice by StarLight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day. 

Download Guided Morning Meditation Audio Lecture MP3

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