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Guided Mindfulness Meditation Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Guided Mindfulness Meditation Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on mindfulness … Find a comfortable position … Somewhere quiet and undisturbed by your surroundings … Seated with your back, neck, and head straight … Hands placed gently on your lap, fingertips softly touching … And lets begin by softening your gaze, allowing your eyes to fall closed … And if for any reason you don’t feel comfortable having your eyes completely shut, just soften the gaze here past down your nose … Moving your focus to your breathing … Starting with a long, steady inhale … And exhale … Letting go of the day thus-far … And in again … Inhaling the vibrant air around you … Before letting it all out again to make space for the new … Feel your chest and belly rise as the air flows into your lungs … Noticing how these same parts fall back into relaxation as you exhale again … And as you begin to settle in here, start to tap into that inner smile … Embracing the joy of taking some well deserved and special time for yourself … To be with the body and mind … Bringing awareness to the spine … Ensuring it’s nice and long … Gently extended … Sitting up tall … Noticing any patterns here … Feeling the length through the back of the neck … Breathing gently … And letting out again … Allow your hands and fingertips to soften … Simply noticing what feels good today … Allowing yourself to be vulnerable in this moment … Creating this mindful space for yourself … Noticing any sounds around you, wherever you may be today … Relishing silence … As we start to ground deeper towards the ground, allow any extra movements of the body to soften … In time, finding stillness with more ease … Do not worry if you seem to be fidgeting, it’s okay … Bringing forth an attitude of kindness towards yourself … Welcoming balance and clarity to both your emotional and physical self … Noticing the rhythm of your natural breath … Inviting the mind to also notice how the body reacts to the breath in this moment … Noticing which parts of the body move as you inhale … And how gravity takes over as you exhale … No forcing here … Just noticing what moves when you breathe in … Gently … And embracing the gravity as you breathe out … And after a few moments of observing the natural breath, see if you can deepen it … Inviting more consciousness …

More compassionate awareness … As you extend the duration of each inhale and exhale … Allowing each inhale to be more full … Allowing each exhale to be longer … Welcoming it with more expansion …

Returning to the nice and easy natural pace of the breath … See if you can establish an awareness to your spine again … Making sure that it’s nice and tall … Upright … Soften the skin on your forehead … Relax your shoulders down towards the ground … As thoughts come to your mind … You may become distracted … That’s okay … Just gently return to the sensations of the breath … Seeing if you can notice anything new in-between each inhale and exhale … Staying with the breath … Staying still … Mindful of this moment … Feeling the inhale uplifting you towards the sky … And feeling the exhale ground you further down to the ground … Noticing the balance of the two … Through a gentle, nurturing lens … Following the breath … As it goes in, and out … Observing if the action of awareness has an impact on the breath … If it changes the way you hold yourself … To the way your thoughts appear and disappear … There is no need to try to analyse your thoughts, or figure them out … Just feeling into the experience of thinking, and feeling … Whatever arises, equally acknowledging and letting be … Listening to the body and mind with compassion …

And before we finish this practice … Before we begin to move our bodies again … With intention, shift your awareness to the space between what you experience and what you choose to do … Whether it’s deciding to move your toes … Your fingers … Or moving your head from side so side … Whatever it may be, just notice the space … Practising observance … Sitting with pure attention … Noticing any sounds around you … Noticing how your body feels … If it feels any different at all … Noticing your thoughts and emotions … Pausing for just a few more moments, before continuing with your day … And when you are ready, flutter your eyelids open … Thank yourself for having taken the time to be with the breath … To be more mindful … For tuning into the stillness that lays within … We hope you enjoyed this meditation practice by Starlight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day.

Guided Mindfulness Meditation Audio Lecture MP3 Download

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