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Guided Meditation for Relaxation Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Guided Meditation for Relaxation Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on a blissful deep relaxation … Let’s start today’s session by finding a nice, comfortable position … With your legs crossed and your spine extended, tall and proud … But not too tight … Chin slightly pulled towards the ground … Arms placed gently on your knees or in your lap … Whatever feels most comfortable for you … And when you are ready, close your eyes … Bring full attention to this very moment … Preparing your body and mind to find stillness within … With openness … Patience … And curiosity … One day at a time … And now, bring your awareness to the breath … Feeling the rise and fall of the breath … Observing the way it flows in and out through your body … And as you maintain this gentle awareness, take a deep breath in … Feeling the air flow in through your mouth … Expanding your lungs … And then letting it back out into your surroundings … Releasing it fully … There is no right or wrong way … Inhaling deeply … And out again …Softly inhale through your nose … Noticing the sensations of the air flowing in … Pulling the naval point toward the spine … Pause for a moment … And exhale, back out through the nose … Emptying your lungs … And by following this deep breathing, you are combating fatigue … Stress … You are slowing down your nervous system … Allowing your body to relax … You are dissolving any excess emotionality … Recharging … Rejuvenating … And again … Breathe in … Pause … And breathe out … Noticing the inhale … Noticing the pause in-between the breaths … How it seems to have a life of it’s own … And letting everything go … With gentle ease … Soft movement … Allowing your muscles to fall deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation … And at times, you may notice wandering thought arising … That’s okay … This is the simple  nature of the mind … Don’t try to fight them, or judge them in any way … Just notice that your thoughts have strayed, and gently return your attention back to the breath … Each time we notice the mind wandering, we’re strengthening our ability to recognise this particular experience … Without any judgement, or frustration … Simply return to the breath … 

And as you begin to settle … Allow your breath to return to it’s natural rhythm … Don’t try to force it or regulate it in any way … Just allow it to flow easily and naturally … Feel the weight of your body becoming heavy … Relaxed … Allowing all your muscles to loosen now

… The muscles in your face — your forehead, between the eyebrows, nose, and cheeks … Soften your jaw …  Your shoulders, arms, and legs … Let go of all tension … Allowing every part of your body to sink deeper into the surface beneath you … And on your next inhale, become aware that everything you need to be happy is already present in this very moment … All of the conditions required for peace … Joy … Content … And as you continue to take these soft, gentle breaths … Bring to mind everything in life that is good and positive … Leave no room for any regrets of the past, or worries of the future … Become aware that you are here, very still in this moment … Simply let go of any expectations … Grudges …

Frustrations … Anxieties … All of our senses … Our sight … Sound … Smell … Taste …

Touch … They deliver the gift of life … Of daily opportunity to create something beautiful … To be with the breath … To enjoy what’s already been given to us … To love all that surrounds us … Feel your body becoming relaxed … There are no distractions … No worries

… Just you, and the breath … This is all you have to focus on right now … Breathing in … And breathing out … Increasing your self awareness … Focusing on the present … Muscles loosening … Your body slowing down … Breathing in … Breathing out … 

And now … As we come to conclude this practice … Just take a moment to scan your body, from head to toe … Noting how you feel … Whether you feel different that the moment you began the practice … See if there are any changes in how you feel … And if anything stands out … Slowly beginning to move your toes, and your fingers … Take your time … There is no hurrying … Move your wrists, and your ankles … Gently stretch … Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s gentle … Enjoying the waking movement of the body … And when you are ready, open your eyes … Welcoming back the world around you … We hope you enjoyed this meditation practice by StarLight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day. 

Download Guided Meditation for Relaxation Audio Lecture mp3

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