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Guided Meditation for Happiness Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Guided Meditation for Happiness Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on happiness … May you begin this practice in a sitting posture, with your legs crossed … Hands placed gently on your knees or in your lap … Your head, neck, and back straight … But not too tight … Spine extended long and proud … Make sure that the surface beneath you is supportive … You’re in a quiet place, where you won’t be disturbed … And when you are ready, bring your attention to the eyes … Allow them to remain open if you wish for full wakefulness … You can keep them halfway closed, softly resting … Or if you wish for a deeper concentration, allow your eyes to close fully … Whatever way feels most natural to your body today …

And as you maintain this gentle awareness … Begin to shift your attention to the breath … To the way the air flows in through the nose … Travels down to your lungs … Expanding your chest and belly … And then coming back out through the mouth … Simply feel the sensations of the breath … Observing it’s gentle movements … Breathing in … Through the nose … And breathing out … Through the mouth … Knowing there is nothing else to do in this moment … Nowhere else to be … Feel your body and mind slowing down … Breathing in … And on the exhale, see if you can relax your shoulders just a little deeper … Breathing in … And on the next exhale, loosening the jaw … Softening the space between your eyebrows … Allowing every part of your body to relax … Letting go completely in this moment … 

And as you allow the breath to return to it’s natural rhythm now … Gently and mindfully … Observe how your breath continues to flow … Deeply … Calmly … And if any thoughts arise, acknowledge their presence and gently return to the sensations of the breath … If you can, imagine the air inside your body when you inhale … Filling your body gently … And notice how the space inside your lungs becomes smaller in size after the air leaves your body

… Keeping this awareness … Being with the breath … With the body … Soothing your mind … You are feeling so at peace with yourself and the world around you … 

And now … Imagine a place which naturally sparks joy in your heart … It could be absolutely anywhere … Whether it’s laying on a sand on a tropical beach … Taking a mindful stroll through a botanical garden, observing and smelling each and every flower that surrounds you … It could be enjoying a picnic by a lake with your closest friends … And it doesn’t have to be anywhere far at all either … It could even be in your own home … In your backyard … But it is your special, calm place … A place that you know will bring warmth to your heart … A place where you love to be … Where you feel in total and absolute serenity … And as your body and mind continues to fall deeper into relaxation … Feel yourself become completely at peace imagining yourself in your special place … Taking in all the senses around you … Sight … Sound … Smell … Taste … And touch … Appreciate all your senses … Allowing you experience the world … Knowing that you are safe and protected here … No worldly distractions … Emptied of all concern … A place where you can be free

… All worries left behind … 

And now … Allow your lip corners to turn upward ever so gently … Invite a smile to your face … Notice how the smile softens all the muscles in your face … Breath by breath … Notice how your face feels in this moment … Feeling your face and body relax, as you imagine yourself smiling … In your place of joy and comfort … And as you allow for the smile to stay, just notice if there are any emotions that arise … Allow yourself to experience contentment … Cultivating feelings of pure happiness and joy … Being gentle with yourself … Being grateful … Staying in this gentle awareness … Acknowledging that everything you need to be happy  is right here … Within your heart … Seeing the good in every situation … And as you radiate this joy from within … Repeat the following affirmations quietly to yourself or in your mind after me … 

I am happy and relaxed despite my external circumstances

I find it easy to be happy and smile often 

I am responsible for my own happiness

I am grounded and centred 

I love who I am becoming

When I smile, the whole world smiles with me 

Happiness comes easily to me 

And as this meditation comes to an end, take another deep breath in … And release … Feeling the rise and fall of the chest … Wiggle your fingers and your toes … Stretch your arms and legs in any way that feels comfortable for you … Returning to the sounds around you … Noticing them with gentle awareness … Welcoming sensations … Feelings … Thoughts … And when you are ready, open your eyes … We hope you enjoyed this

meditation practice by Starlight Breeze, and may you have a joyful day.

Download Guided Meditation for Happiness Audio Lecture mp3

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