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Working With Difficult Emotions Guided Meditation Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Working With Difficult Emotions Guided Meditation Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on working with difficult emotions … And when you are ready, close your eyes … Take some time to settle yourself into a comfortable, seated position … Keeping your head, neck, and spine straight … In a gentle alignment … Hands placed on your knees, or in your lap … Whichever way feels most comfortable for you … Easing yourself into a space of comfort … Of stillness … Softly shifting your attention to the breath … The way it flows in through the nose … And comes back out through the mouth … Noticing the temperature of the air … Perhaps it is warm … Or cool … Heavy … Or light … Just observing the state of the breath … Without any judgement … And now … See if you can deepen your breath … Lengthening the duration of each inhale and exhale … Your body slowly expanding … Making room for a deeper relaxation … And as you retain your focus on your soft breath, inhaling through the nose … And out through the mouth … Relax your shoulders … Your jaw … The space between your eyebrows … Allow all parts of your body to become soft … Just like the breath … Removing all strain … Allow any tension to melt away … All tightness … Any holding on … Letting go … You deserve this time … This well deserved time for yourself … Observing the motion and the sensations of the breath … Simply noticing where it guides you … Relaxing you more and more … With every inhale … And exhale … Breathing in … And breathing out …  And now noticing how you are feeling today … Taking some time to observe your emotional state of being … Inviting a gentle energy of mindfulness to each and every feeling … We all experience many emotions every day … With difficult emotions or sensations, it’s normal to want to move away from them … To push them away … Without trying to directly soften these emotions, see if you can soften your reaction to them … Giving yourself the permission to feel each emotion … Allowing it to be there with love and compassion … When you are open to welcoming and experiencing each emotion, fear … Anxiety … And self-judgement loosens their grip … And now, take a seat of an observer … Imagine your pool of emotions as a river … And that every emotion such as happiness, sadness, disappointment, resentment, anger, joy is a drop of water … When an emotion is overwhelmingly big, it can form a wave … You may also experience multiple emotions at once, such as sadness and anger at the same time … Happiness and anxiety … Whatever it may be … Emotions can merge with each other … And these emotions cause an even bigger wave … Just like the waves, emotions are capable of being big or small … High or low … Fierce or mellow … They come and they go as one emotion is replaced by another … The waves are in constant motion of greeting the shore and receding … Emotions, just like the waves, will last only a little while and will subtly subside … And when this happens, in a non-judgmental and mindful manner, recognise the feeling that you are experiencing … Name the feeling and think of it as a part of you, but not all of you …Just recognising the flow of this moment-to-moment experience … You will see that waves are just a motion form of water … Just like the emotions are a motion form of your mind … The more we are able to recognise our emotions just as they are, no matter how strong or overwhelming they may be, the less likely we are to become swept up by their current …

We may float along on happy emotions, or be swept away by angry ones … We may experience small emotional ups and downs, or a big wave of sadness and hopelessness … Just as the ocean can change, so can our emotions … And when you feel like you are experiencing an overwhelming emotion, simply greet it in a friendly manner … Invite it … Welcome them warmly … Then listen to what it has to say … It is only through this listening that we have the chance to discover their intention of appearance and make a choice in how to best help them move along … After hearing what your emotions have to say, thank them for their message … There is no need to follow them, chase them, hold on to them, or resist them … We float with less intense emotions and ride the waves of stronger ones … Know that you have the power to overcome any difficult emotions that may arise … At any moment … You are in control … You are mindful … Spending the next few moments, resting in this deep state of relaxation … Just allowing whatever you may be noticing to just be there … Simply acknowledging it … Letting your awareness softly rest here … To be just the way it is, without demanding that it be different …

And when you are ready, allowing your awareness to gradually return to the outside world … How you are right now, feeling and sensing how it is to be in your body, right here … Right now … Seeing if you can bring gentleness and kindness to whatever emotion you are experiencing right now, holding yourself with compassion and understanding … Resting in the awakening breath … Gently opening your eyes … Feeling peaceful and easy … We hope you enjoyed this meditation practice by Starlight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day.

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