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Inner Peace Guided Meditation Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Inner Peace Guided Meditation Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on inner peace … When you are ready … Begin by settling yourself into a comfortable position … Spine extended tall and proud … Softly place your hands on your knees, or in your lap … And make sure you’re in a quiet environment, where you won’t be disturbed by the outside world … Gently allow your eyelids to fall closed … Bringing a sense of gratitude towards yourself for taking this time today to be still in each moment … To slow down … Notice if there’s anywhere you may be holding or gripping … Perhaps in your neck or shoulders … Allow it to sink down … Expanding your back body … Perhaps you’re gripping your fingers or toes … Allow them to soften … And maybe your body is leaning forward … If so, tuck the chin towards the ground and lean back … Lengthening the spine … Creating more space between each vertebrae … Just take a moment to notice if there’s anything else that stands out to you … Breathe gently into these areas … Letting go completely …  

And now, observe how you are feeling today … What’s going on inside your body … Your mind … If there’s anything you brought along with you to this practice that you would like to release … Any emotions that are weighing you down … Simply honouring and recognising their presence … If they’re having an impact on you in any way … Whether it’s positive or negative … Gently noticing … Breathing in … And breathing out … With the eyes closed, continue to feel the breath … Seeing if you can lengthen the duration of each inhale … And exhale … Seeing if you can connect the moment when the inhale and exhale join together …

Just like an ocean wave … The way it rises and falls … Noticing what is … Being still 

within the body … Within the breath … Welcoming the inner peace … Your natural state of calm … Breathing in … And breathing out … Cultivating stillness and the act of doing nothing … Noticing the way you are carrying yourself in the moment … Focusing what is within our control … Stillness is so powerful … It allows us to replenish our bodies … Reenergise … Re-build our best potential … Give yourself the permission to do nothing else but notice time and space … To self-reflect … To hear our thoughts without holding any judgement or emotions to them … Soothing the nervous system … Slowing down the heart … Allowing it to rest … Being completely present in the moment … Removing any distractions of doubt and worry … Quieting the mind … And if the mind does begin to wander … It’s okay … Gently return your attention to the breath … To each inhale and exhale … The connectedness between the both … Continue to sit up nice and tall throughout this practice … With your head straight, spine extended … Make sure there is no gripping of the body … Hold yourself lightly … Breathing in … And breathing out …  Finding your inner peace … That is always present within you … Embracing all that you are … Letting go of all that no longer serves you … Opening up yourself to feel the positive emotions of joy … Peace … Happiness … Tranquility … Freedom … Feel this lightness invited by your breath to fill your entire body and mind … Creating a complete restoration … Allowing this relaxation to flow down through you like a stream … What do you choose to let go of in this moment? … To release … To set free … Without judgement … With love … Whether thinking you’re not ready for something important in your life … Dwelling of the past, or worrying about the future … Breaking promises … Trying to live up to people’s expectations … Comparing yourself with others … Complaining … Being overly self-critical … If any of these resonate with you … Inhale deeply … And on your next exhale, allow these energies to  fall away … Dissolve … To flow out of your body … Making room for energy of love …

Compassion … Kindness … Almost as if it was like a golden light … Washing over you … Breathing in … And breathing out …  

And now it is time to bring this practice to an end … Take one last deep breath in … And a long, breath out … Exhaling fully … Lowering stress … Tension … Fatigue … Gently begin to move your upper body … Your shoulders, arms, head, and neck … Twist your body very gently, if you wish … Moving your lower body now … Your legs, ankles, feet, and toes … You may rub your hands together, feeling them tingle back to awareness … Allowing the warm sensation to return you to your external surroundings … And when you are ready, open your eyes … Giving yourself a few more moments to readjust to the outside world … Moving with ease … Thanking yourself for nurturing your body and mind in this way today … Finding a

moment of peace, and nurture … We hope you enjoyed this meditation practice by Starlight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day.

Inner Peace Guided Meditation Audio Lecture Download

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