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Guided Meditation for Self Love Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Guided Meditation for Self Love Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on self love … As you settle yourself into a comfortable, seated position, allow your breath to guide you today … Gently inhale through the nose … Steadily filling your lungs with air … And exhale … As you continue your steady breathing … Move your attention to how your torso expands … As you inhale steadily … How it contracts … As you let the air empty out of you … Allow yourself some time to become in tune with your soft movements … With the steady rhythm of your breathing … Constant and reliable … When you are ready … Gently close your eyes … Still aware of how your body is moving with each new breath … With every inhale, you breathe in relaxation … With every exhale, your shoulders drop and your body relaxes … Take a moment to truly listen to your body as it is now … Noting which parts are comfortable, and which are not … Looking for any sensations that are present … Welcoming these sensations just as they are … Without any judgement … Observing their appearance … Feeling how you are connected with your surroundings … Breathing in … And breathing out … Feeling your body connect more and more with the surface underneath you … Your muscles relaxing … As your lungs are emptied again … Open your mind to any thoughts that come up naturally … Not grabbing at them … But giving them a moment to simply be there … Before letting them drift off to make space for the next … Observing these thoughts just as if they were clouds passing by in the sky … Coming and going … Changing their shapes and sizes

… And then dissolving into the atmosphere again …

And now … We will repeat a short breathing cycle … Breathing in through the nose for a count of five … Holding for a count of five … And breathing out through the mouth for a

count of seven … Letting everything go … When you are ready … Breathe in … Two …

Three … Four … Five … Hold … Two … Three … Four … Five … And breathe out …

Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … Empty all concern … All discomfort …

And again … Breathe in … Two … Three … Four … Five … Hold … Two … Three … Four … Five … And breathe out … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … And one last time … Breathe in … Two … Three … Four … Five … Hold … Two … Three …

Four … Five … And breathe out … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … Empty your lungs of all air … Releasing any holding on in this moment … Allowing the breath to return to it’s natural, steady rhythm … There is no pressure … No pushing … Just allowing the breath to guide you now … Rising and falling … Gently shifting your attention to the body now … Noticing if you are feeling any different … And if anything stands out, wanting for your attention … Staying present in this moment … Scanning your body … Allowing your attention to stay here for a few more moments … Becoming still … Soothing your mind … And now … I want you to place both of your hands over your heart … Continuing to inhale through the nose … And exhaling out through the mouth … Ask yourself … How does it feel to place both of these hands over the heart centre … Over this tender area … Where you experience love for yourself and others … For the whole world around you … Focusing on the breath … Focusing on nurturing your body and mind … It’s important to take care of yourself … But in the midst of many responsibilities, to-do lists, busy schedules … Sometimes we forget to just simply relax … Be with our own thoughts … Enjoy our own company … When we take care of ourselves, it affirms our self worth … 

It is a gentle reminder that we are deserving of this rest … Of this peace … Of calming the the mind and living in the present moment … And by listening to this meditation, you are already dedicating your well deserved time towards taking care of your body and mind … Self love can be expressed in many ways … Perhaps taking a bath, drinking more water, going on a walk, reading a good book, or cooking a healthy meal … But as much as we take care of our external environment, we must pay attention to our internal environment too … It is just as important, if not more … Your body is your home … A place of safety, security, and protection … A home is where you live … It’s a place where you can relax, learn, grow, and simply be … Express love for your home, and life will grant you with endless possibilities to flourish … To prosper … To thrive … To love yourself endlessly and unconditionally … Self love is a lifelong journey … Allow yourself to be fully present with your breath and your heart … Appreciate the fullness of being alive, as you experience feelings of eternal care and love towards your body and mind … Give yourself permission to see growth and potential in every moment … Feel more grace and ease with every breath you take … At any given circumstance, know that you are in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment … 

And now … Repeat the following affirmations quietly to yourself after me … 

I love and accept myself

Everything I am looking for, I can find within me

I am inspiring

I believe in myself and my abilities

I will celebrate my small wins

I will be at ease and enjoy simple moments

I am grateful for my life

I can do it all, but not all at once

I feel energetic and alive

There is a bright side to every situation

Every part of me that makes me who I am is encompassed with love

I love myself unconditionally

Before you continue your day … Congratulate yourself for taking the time to relax your busy mind … To nourish your body in such a beautiful way … Whenever you are ready, slowly begin to wiggle your toes … Move your head from side to side … Stretch in any way that feels right to you … And open your eyes … Welcoming the world around you … Believing that today, you will be open to every opportunity of peace and joy within and outside of you … We hope that you enjoyed this meditation practice by Starlight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day.

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